البراند: InfinityHyalu Collagen Cleansing Foam effectively cleanses and hydrates the skin. Enriched with hyaluronic acid and marine collagen, this formula removes dirt, oil, and impurities without stripping natural oils, leaving skin clean and refreshed. Product Benefits: - Intense hydration- Deep cleaning- Suitable for all skin...
- LE 675.00
LE 750.00- LE 675.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 75.00 -
البراند: Infinityإنفينيتي كريم الترطيب اليومي لحب الشباب هو الحل الأمثل لبشرة نقية ومتوازنة. تركيبة مبتكرة ترطب وتهدئ البشرة مع استهداف الأسباب الرئيسية لظهور حب الشباب، مما يترك بشرتك صحية وخالية من اللمعان ستعشقينها. المميزات الرئيسية: ثقة خالية من اللمعان: مع الاستخدام المنتظم، ستلاحظين تقليلًا واضحًا...
- LE 405.00
LE 450.00- LE 405.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 45.00 -
البراند: Infinityاحصلي على بشرة خالية من العيوب وتخلصي من حب الشباب، والرؤوس السوداء، والمسام المسدودة من خلال إنشاء روتين العناية بالبشرة المثالي مع مجموعة "أكرين" الجمالية من إنفينيتي. تحتوي المجموعة على منتجين بسعر منتج واحد، مصممين خصيصًا للبشرة الدهنية إلى المختلطة والمعرضة لحب الشباب: ١-...
- LE 480.00
LE 750.00- LE 480.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 270.00 -
البراند: Infinityإنفينيتي غسول أكرين يقدم حلاً فعّالًا للرؤوس السوداء والمسام المسدودة. يتميز هذا الغسول الفعّال بتأثيراته المطهرة والمقشرة بلطف، مما يمنح بشرتك شعورًا بالانتعاش والتجدد. تعمل رغوته الفريدة على إزالة الأوساخ والعرق والمكياج وخلايا الجلد الميتة والكائنات الدقيقة بأمان، مع الحفاظ على توازن درجة الحموضة في...
- LE 351.00
LE 390.00- LE 351.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 39.00 -
البراند: Infinityإنفينيتي كريم أكرين للبشرة المعرضة لحب الشباب يعمل بلطف على تقشير البشرة، تحسين مستوى الترطيب، والتغلغل داخل البشرة. يساهم هذا الكريم في إزالة خلايا الجلد الميتة، تقليل الاحمرار والتهيج، التخلص من الملوثات والزهم الزائد، وزيادة ترطيب البشرة للحصول على مظهر مشرق ومتألق. يتميز بقوامه الخفيف...
- LE 270.00
LE 300.00- LE 270.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 30.00 -
البراند: Infinityيعتبر إنفينيتي سيروم مكافحة الشيخوخة SPF 50 منتجًا عالي الجودة يقدم العديد من الفوائد لبشرتك. بفضل خصائصه المضادة للأكسدة، يقلل هذا السيروم من ظهور التجاعيد، ويرطب سطح البشرة الخارجي، ويعزز تدفق الدم وتوصيل الأكسجين إلى البشرة، مما يجعلها تبدو منتعشة ومفعمة بالحيوية. تركيبته الفريدة...
- LE 607.50
LE 750.00- LE 607.50
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 142.50 -
البراند: Infinityاختبري الحل الأمثل لمكافحة الشيخوخة مع إنفينيتي سيروم لمكافحة الشيخوخة الليلي. يعمل هذا السيروم على تنشيط معدل تجديد الخلايا أثناء الليل، مما يحفز إنتاج الكولاجين والإيلاستين بنسبة ٦٠٪ للحصول على بشرة شبابية ومشرقة. بفضل خصائصه المضادة للأكسدة، يرطب هذا السيروم بشرتك ويغذيها، ويشد المسام...
- LE 675.00
LE 750.00- LE 675.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 75.00 -
البراند: Infinityبفضل تركيبته الإسبانية الفعالة التي تدوم لمدة ٢٤ ساعة، يكافح إنفينيتي رول أون برائحة التوت رائحة الجسم، يقلل التعرق، يهدئ منطقة تحت الإبط، ويفتح ويوحد لون البشرة. مناسب لجميع أنواع البشرة، هذا المنتج ضروري لإضافته إلى روتينك اليومي. مع عرض ١+١ الحصري المجاني، يمكنكِ الاستمتاع...
- LE 537.00
LE 1,074.00- LE 537.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 537.00 -
البراند: Infinityتوفر إنفينيتي بيوفيتا مكمل غذائي ( علكات متعددة الفيتامينات) العناصر الغذائية الأساسية للشعر والبشرة والأظافر. تأتي هذه العلكات بنكهة التوت الطبيعي لمذاق ورائحة لذيذة. تحتوي على الفيتامينات A وE وC وD وحمض الفوليك، مما يجعل تركيبتها المتكاملة تقدم فوائد شاملة لدعم صحة الشعر والبشرة...
- LE 660.00
LE 1,320.00- LE 660.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 660.00 -
البراند: Infinityيوفر إنفينيتي بيوفيتا مكمل غذائي نباتي (علكات متعددة الفيتامينات) العناصر الغذائية الأساسية للشعر والبشرة والأظافر. تأتي هذه العلكات بنكهة التوت الطبيعي لمذاق ورائحة لذيذة. بفضل احتوائها على الفيتامينات A وE وC وD وحمض الفوليك، تقدم هذه التركيبة المتكاملة فوائد شاملة لدعم صحة الشعر والبشرة...
- LE 324.00
LE 600.00- LE 324.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 276.00 -
البراند: InfinityCalcima Supplements by Infinity features an advanced combination of calcium, Vitamin D, and Milk Basic Protein (MBP) for individuals needing a higher concentration of both nutrients. With this blend, users may experience improved bone mineral density and enhanced overall health. It's a reliable choice...
- LE 351.00
LE 660.00- LE 351.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 309.00 -
البراند: InfinityCalcima Supplements by Infinity features an advanced combination of calcium, Vitamin D, and Milk Basic Protein (MBP) for individuals needing a higher concentration of both nutrients. With this blend, users may experience improved bone mineral density and enhanced overall health. It's a reliable choice...
- LE 390.00
LE 660.00- LE 390.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 270.00 -
البراند: InfinityInfinity Care Hydro-Boost Sunscreen SPF50+ is your go-to solution for combined to oily skin types. Packed with antioxidants and anti-aging properties, this unique formula not only shields your face from harmful sun rays but also provides deep hydration. It also protects the skin from sunburn,...
- LE 822.00
LE 1,644.00- LE 822.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 822.00 -
البراند: InfinityInfinity Care Sunscreen Cream Mist SPF50+ is specially crafted for all skin types and the entire family, this innovative formula is packed with powerful antioxidants and hydration properties to protect your face and body from the damaging effects of harmful sun rays, including sunburn,...
- LE 540.00
LE 600.00- LE 540.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 60.00 -
البراند: InfinityInfinity Care Sunscreen Cream Mist SPF50+ is specially crafted for all skin types and the entire family, this innovative formula is packed with powerful antioxidants and hydration properties to protect your face and body from the damaging effects of harmful sun rays, including sunburn,...
- LE 936.00
LE 1,872.00- LE 936.00
- Unit price
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Save LE 936.00 -
البراند: InfinityInfinity Care Sunscreen Kids SPF 45 offers broad-spectrum UVA and UVB protection with water-resistant properties to protect your child from the harmful effects of sun exposure. This dermatologist-tested lotion is suitable for all skin types and enriched with antioxidants to keep your child's skin...
- LE 540.00
LE 600.00- LE 540.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 60.00 -
البراند: InfinityInfinity Care Sunscreen Lotion SPF50+ is an all-in-one product, designed to protect dry and normal skin types from the sun's damaging effects with broad-spectrum UVA and UVB protection. Enriched with anti-oxidants and anti-aging properties, this sunscreen lotion moisturizes and protects your face and body against harmful sun...
- LE 792.00
LE 1,584.00- LE 792.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 792.00 -
البراند: InfinityInfinity Dandel Anti Dandruff Cream effectively eliminates dandruff and relieves itchiness. Its unique moisture-locking formula with argan oil works on moisturizing and repairing damaged hair, smoothening out frizz and dryness, and eliminating dandruff and itchiness in order to leave your hair shiny, soft, and...
- LE 315.90
LE 390.00- LE 315.90
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 74.10 -
البراند: InfinityThe Dandel Shampoo by Infninty is an Anti-dandruff shampoo that is providing adjuvant therapy in hair loss, perfectly cleans your hair and scalp, regulates sebum, and gives long-lasting protection leaving your hair and scalp healthy, moisturized, and dandruff-free. This shampoo combats the "Malassezia globosa", the common scalp microbe that...
- LE 405.00
LE 450.00- LE 405.00
- Unit price
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Save LE 45.00 -
البراند: InfinitySay goodbye to dull, congested skin and hello to a fresh, radiant complexion with Infinity Clarifying Cleansing Gel. This powerful yet gentle formula harnesses the power of natural exfoliants to deeply cleanse and clarify your skin, revealing a smoother, more even-toned glow. Salicylic Acid...
- LE 450.00
LE 900.00- LE 450.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 450.00 -
البراند: InfinityAchieve brighter, more even-toned underarms while staying fresh and confident all day with the Infinity Deodorant Roll on - Fruity & Berry. This 2-piece set (80ml each) combines effective skincare benefits with 24-hour protection against body odor and sweat. Key Features: Brightens and evens underarm...
- LE 594.00
LE 660.00- LE 594.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 66.00 -
البراند: InfinityThe Infinity Flare Face Cream SPF30 is a unique whitening day cream that works simultaneously on the skin surface and deep down to visibly reduce the appearance of dark & brown spots, and prevent skin pigmentation. This day cream is enriched with UVA-UVB filters, providing protection against harmful sun rays...
- LE 330.00
LE 660.00- LE 330.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 330.00 -
البراند: InfinityExperience the refreshing scent of fruits with Infinity Brightening & Illuminating Roll On. The 24-hr Spanish-formulated formula fights body odor, reduces sweat, soothes underarms, and lightens and evens skin tone. Suitable for all skin types, this roll-on is a must-have addition to your daily routine. ** With...
- LE 537.00
LE 1,074.00- LE 537.00
- Unit price
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Save LE 537.00 -
البراند: InfinityGet long-lasting freshness that lasts up to 24 hours with Infinity Herbal Whitening Roll On. Its gentle Spanish formula control odor and perspirayion while soothing and moisturizing underarms and eliminating uneven skin tone. Designed for sensitive skin and safe for use after laser, this roll-on...
- LE 486.00
LE 972.00- LE 486.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 486.00 -
البراند: InfinityThe Infinity Hyalu Collagen Serum is formulated to instantly moisturize deep into the skin, improving the softness and elasticity of the skin. It can also reduce the appearance of sun spots and provide instant replumbing and wrinkle-filling benefits. The 2% Hydrolyzed Marine Collagen and Micronized Hyaluronic...
- LE 1,053.00
LE 1,170.00- LE 1,053.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 117.00 -
البراند: InfinityThis Infinity Insta Boost Facial Wash features Niacinamide and marine collagen, providing a daily dose of instant gratification for your skin. Its advanced formula effectively eliminates dirt, impurities, and makeup while also hydrating and plumping with a potent marine collagen and niacinamide blend. Key...
- LE 450.00
- LE 450.00
- Unit price
- per
البراند: InfinityImprove your skin's radiance and fairness with Infinity Insta Glow Facial Wash. This professional-grade cleanser contains powerful ingredients such as Dermawhite WF C, Niacinamide, and Kojic acid to effectively deep cleanse and remove dirt, excess oils, and dead skin cells. Its clinically proven formula...
- LE 450.00
- LE 450.00
- Unit price
- per
البراند: InfinityThe Ceramide and Hydagen Facial Wash by Infinity Spanish Lab is specifically designed to cleanse, remove makeup, and soothe dry and sensitive skin. Infused with a nourishing blend, it helps to restore the skin's healthy microcirculation and hydration. This well-balanced formula is gentle, yet...
- LE 450.00
- LE 450.00
- Unit price
- per
البراند: InfinityExperience visibly clearer skin in no time with Infinity Intense Spot Cream - your ultimate weapon against blemishes. Formulated with powerful ingredients, it targets the root cause for a clear and confident complexion. Key Features: - Rapid Results: The concentrated formula starts working on...
- LE 472.50
LE 525.00- LE 472.50
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 52.50 -
البراند: InfinityInfinity Lascar Gel is a powerful blend of silicone and onion extract designed to accelerate skin healing, minimize the appearance of scars and wounds, and restore your skin's natural tone and texture. Key Benefits: Provides intense hydration to support skin repair. Improves skin tone...
- LE 1,215.00
LE 1,350.00- LE 1,215.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 135.00 -
البراند: InfinityLooking for a solution to treat scars, burns, and wounds? Try Lascar Gel by Infinity, a powerful formula that contains a mixture of Silicone and Onion extracts to aid in fast skin healing and restore its natural color. Whether you have old or new scars, Lascar Gel can...
- LE 486.00
LE 600.00- LE 486.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 114.00 -
البراند: InfinityIntroducing Infinity's Micro-Exfoliating Toner, specifically formulated to fight acne, breakouts and achieve a clear, matte finish for a healthy and shine-free complexion. Works for: Oily and Combination Skin Key Benefits: - Targeted Blemish Control: Powered by salicylic acid and other effective ingredients, our toner...
- LE 432.00
LE 480.00- LE 432.00
- Unit price
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Save LE 48.00 -
البراند: InfinitySay goodbye to dry, dull skin and hello to a healthier, more radiant complexion with Infinity Moisturizing Face & Body Cream. Formulated with powerful 'anti-thirst' moisturization, this ultra-rich cream instantly and lastingly smooths your skin while restoring its quality. Infused with Scb Macadamia Oil, Caviar Extract, Niacinamide, and Melon...
- LE 378.00
LE 420.00- LE 378.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 42.00 -
البراند: InfinityExperience the refreshing scent of the ocean breeze with Infinity Brightening & Illuminating Roll On. The 24-hr Spanish-formulated formula fights body odor, reduces sweat, soothes underarms, and lightens and evens skin tone. Suitable for all skin types, this roll-on is a must-have addition to your...
- LE 537.00
LE 1,074.00- LE 537.00
- Unit price
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Save LE 537.00 -
البراند: InfinityThis oil-free Sunscreen gel cream by Infinity offers innovative protection against harmful UV rays, while simultaneously preventing breakouts. Its lightweight formula provides broad-spectrum SPF50+ coverage without clogging pores or triggering blemishes. Skin Type: Combination, Oily and acne-prone skin Key Features: Broad-Spectrum SPF Protection: Say goodbye...
- LE 675.00
LE 750.00- LE 675.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 75.00 -
البراند: InfinityThe Infinity Omega Rx Jelly Candy is a tasty treat that contains an abundance of Omega 3, Vitamin D, and Vitamin C, which are all essential for maintaining good health. Omega 3 fatty acids are beneficial for the heart, brain, and joints, while Vitamin D and Vitamin...
- LE 283.50
LE 525.00- LE 283.50
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 241.50 -
البراند: InfinityThe Infinity Omega Rx Jelly Candy is a tasty treat that contains an abundance of Omega 3, Vitamin D, and Vitamin C, which are all essential for maintaining good health. Omega 3 fatty acids are beneficial for the heart, brain, and joints, while Vitamin D and Vitamin C help...
- LE 570.00
LE 1,050.00- LE 570.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 480.00 -
البراند: InfinityExperience the refreshing scent of the oud with Infinity Brightening & Illuminating Roll On. The 24-hr Spanish-formulated formula fights body odor, reduces sweat, soothes underarms, and lightens and evens skin tone. Suitable for all skin types, this roll-on is a must-have addition to your daily routine. **...
- LE 537.00
LE 1,074.00- LE 537.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 537.00 -
البراند: InfinityThe Infinity Retinol B3 Serum is specifically designed to provide immediate results, leaving skin with a smoother and more radiant appearance. This expertly formulated serum targets fine lines, wrinkles, and uneven skin texture, while also effectively tackling acne and hyperpigmentation. Key Benefits: - Helps...
- LE 1,215.00
LE 1,350.00- LE 1,215.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 135.00 -
البراند: InfinityInfinity Retinol Eye Cream effectively minimizes the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, dark circles, and pores while targeting signs of aging. Key Benefits: - Reduces dark circles and signs of fatigue - Suitable for all skin types How to use: Use it once per...
- LE 945.00
LE 1,050.00- LE 945.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 105.00 -
البراند: InfinityInfinity Soothing & Moisturizing Cream is perfect for use in post-dermatological and laser procedures. It effectively hydrates and soothes skin, resulting in a softer and healthier appearance. The cream quickly reduces irritation and inflammation, while promoting the healing and regeneration of damaged skin overnight....
- LE 405.00
LE 450.00- LE 405.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 45.00 -
البراند: InfinityInfinity Soothing & Moisturizing Gel SPF 45 is a great treatment for post-dermatological and laser procedures. It helps reduce irritation, inflammation, and redness, aids in skin healing and accelerates natural cell regeneration, leaving skin soft, hydrated, and protected. Skin Types: For Dry & Sensitive...
- LE 445.50
LE 495.00- LE 445.50
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 49.50 -
البراند: InfinityLooking for a top-quality hair conditioner that can help you achieve healthy, lustrous locks? Look no further than Infinity's Top Hair Conditioner! This specially formulated conditioner is designed with a blend of natural ingredients to reduce hair loss by minimizing mechanical stress and improving follicle health. Plus, it...
- LE 472.50
LE 525.00- LE 472.50
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 52.50 -
البراند: InfinityIntroducing Top Hair Ampoules by Infinity, a revolutionary hair loss treatment solution. The specially crafted formula is designed to help you stop hair loss, strengthen follicles, and achieve denser, thicker, and more resistant hair. Our unique blend of natural ingredients, including Capsicum Garlic Extract, Procapil®, and...
- LE 1,134.00
LE 1,260.00- LE 1,134.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 126.00 -
البراند: InfinityInfinity Top Hair Lotion is a hair loss spray that increases the speed of hair growth, strengthens weak hair, and provides complete hair nourishment. With its potent antimicrobial properties, This powerful Hair Loss Spray helps to kill bacteria and germs, purify hair follicles, and prevent pore clogging, all of which can...
- LE 540.00
LE 960.00- LE 540.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 420.00 -
البراند: InfinityInfinity Top Hair Lotion is a hair loss spray that increases the speed of hair growth, strengthens weak hair, and provides complete hair nourishment. With its potent antimicrobial properties, This powerful Hair Loss Spray helps to kill bacteria and germs, purify hair follicles, and prevent pore clogging, all of...
- LE 405.00
LE 450.00- LE 405.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 45.00 -
البراند: InfinityInfinity Top Hair Shampoo has been clinically formulated to effectively combat hair loss. Its fortifying and purifying ingredients strengthen weak hair roots and strands, promoting accelerated and natural hair growth. Plus, its paraben- and sulfate-free formula cleanses the scalp without drying it out...
- LE 513.00
LE 570.00- LE 513.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 57.00 -
البراند: InfinityCombat dandruff and keep your scalp healthy with Treato Anti-Dandruff Shampoo by Infinity. This Shampoo is designed with multifunctional ingredients that work to regulate malassezia yeast growth, a common cause of hair loss while keeping your scalp's microbiota in balance, promoting healthy and non-oily hair. Regular use of Treato...
- LE 459.00
LE 510.00- LE 459.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 51.00 -
البراند: InfinityThe Infinity Treato Conditioner instantly hydrates dry hair without weighing it down, effectively treating excessive dryness by allowing natural oils to penetrate the hair. This revitalizes the hair follicles and enhances self-repair, leaving your hair looking and feeling healthy and nourished. Can be used...
- LE 472.50
LE 525.00- LE 472.50
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 52.50 -
البراند: InfinityThe Vitamin C Face Exfoliating Cleanser by Infinity is a gentle yet powerful formula that combines Vitamin C, Hyaluronic Acid, Niacinamide, and Salicylic Acid to effectively cleanse your face, remove dead cells and reduce the appearance of clogged pores, resulting in a refreshed and revitalized complexion. This exfoliating...
- LE 459.00
LE 510.00- LE 459.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 51.00