البراند: BubblzzThe Vanilla Frosting Body Scrub carries the distinct Vanilla aroma is both soothing and uplifting. It's derived from the Vanilla Bean, which is harvested from a type of orchid giving it its slightly floral undertone. This body scrub is a rich blend of natural...
- LE 225.00
LE 250.00- LE 225.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 25.00 -
البراند: BubblzzBubblzz Bonbon Body Splash is the perfect blend of sweetness and sensuality. Inspired by the indulgence of candy, this fragrance features a fresh and fruity top layer, followed by heart notes of Marshmallow and Vanilla, and grounded by warm base notes of Sandalwood and...
- LE 265.50
LE 295.00- LE 265.50
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 29.50 -
البراند: BubblzzIntroducing Bubblzz Vanilla Crush Body Splash - a must-have for all Vanilla lovers! Indulge in the warm and sweet scent of creamy Vanilla and Tonka Beans, derived from a special type of orchid. This unique fragrance is both calming and invigorating, with a subtle...
- LE 238.50
LE 265.00- LE 238.50
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 26.50 -
البراند: Avuvaسكراب الجسم من أفوفا لا يخلصك من الجلد الميت والأوساخ فقط، بل يوفر ترطيب عميق للبشرة بفضل مزيج البانثينول وفيتامين إي والبارافين الذي يمنع فقدان الماء من بشرتك، وبالتالي يمنع الجفاف. يحتوي السكراب أيضا على مسحوق الطحالب الحمراء الغني بالكالسيوم والمغنيسيوم ليقلل من ظهور...
- LE 150.00
- LE 150.00
- Unit price
- per
البراند: BiothermBiotherm Whitening Deodorant Roll-On, is enriched with Licorice extract and vitamin C. This powerful formula not only combats unpleasant body odor but also targets and lightens dark areas, providing a comprehensive solution for your underarm concerns. Designed for daily use, this deodorant is safe...
- LE 161.14
LE 247.90- LE 161.14
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 86.76 -
البراند: Eva CosmeticsEva Cream With Yoghurt and Cucumber offers a unique combination of hydrating and revitalizing active ingredients, helping to nourish and refresh the skin. Its combination of moisturizing elements works together to help soften and smooth your complexion. Shin Type: oily skin Ingredients: Aqua, cucumis sativus (cucumber)...
- LE 45.00
- LE 45.00
- Unit price
- per
البراند: Urban DucksThe White Chocolate Cookies body butter by Urban Ducks helps prevent skin dryness and peeling, while also healing chapped skin and lips. Additionally, it fights signs of aging, soothes the skin, and treats scars, making it an excellent choice for extra moisturizing and extremely dry skin....
- LE 170.00
- LE 170.00
- Unit price
- per
البراند: Eva CosmeticsExperience the joy and enchantment of Eva Senses Musky Jasmine Body Splash . With a burst of Musky Jasmine, you'll feel transported to a world of endless possibilities. Embrace the freedom and empowerment that comes from creating your own state of mind with this...
- LE 205.00
- LE 205.00
- Unit price
- per
البراند: ElevanaThe Elevana Jovet whitening cream is enriched with tea tree oil, tocopherol and kojic acid. It moisturizes and nourishes your skin + increases its elasticity. It can be used on your body to reduce the harmful effect of sun exposure, but also around your...
- LE 170.00
LE 200.00- LE 170.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 30.00 -
البراند: ElevanaElevana Jovet body lotion is enriched with zinc oxide, almond oil and aloe vera extract. It's important to moisturize your body ever day, just like you do with your face.Ingredients: Chamomilla Recutita Extract, Steary Alcohol, Hydrogenated Sweet Almond Oil, Hydrogenated Jojoba Oil, Polysorbate 80,...
- LE 204.00
LE 240.00- LE 204.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 36.00 -
البراند: MerakiThe Meraki White Musk Shower Gel does not contain soap making it gentle even on the most sensitive skin. The lactic acid which is the active ingredient in milk ensures a soft touch to the skin as well as tightening and removing dead cells....
- LE 325.00
- LE 325.00
- Unit price
- per
البراند: BubblzzThis Coconut Body Scrub by Bubblzz is a rich blend of natural goodness, coconut oil, shea butter, grape seed oil, and sweet almond to promote skin suppleness while natural cane sugar exfoliates your skin, leaving it soft, smooth, and fragranced. The delightful tropical aroma will call to...
- LE 225.00
LE 250.00- LE 225.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 25.00 -
البراند: Eva CosmeticsEva Foot Powder Deodorant with Aloe Vera by Eva Cosmetics is a specialized foot care formula designed to deodorize and hydrate skin, protecting feet from bacterial and fungal buildup. Its unique blend leaves feet feeling refreshed and hygienic. Key Features: -Absorbs excess foot perspiration and keeps it...
- LE 32.00
- LE 32.00
- Unit price
- per
البراند: Eva CosmeticsEva Foot Powder Deodorant with Menthol by Eva Cosmetics is a specialized foot care formula designed to deodorize and hydrate skin, protecting feet from bacterial and fungal buildup. Its unique blend leaves feet feeling refreshed and hygienic. Key Features: -Absorbs excess foot perspiration and keeps...
- LE 32.00
- LE 32.00
- Unit price
- per
البراند: JovialityThe Bronze Shimmering Body Lotion by Joviality works perfectly to moisturize your skin, and leaves it with a shimmering tropical glow. This 100% natural and paraben-free lotion absorbs quickly, feeling light on the skin and delivering a bronze, sun-kissed glow. SPF 15 provides the ultimate protection from...
- LE 272.00
LE 320.00- LE 272.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 48.00 -
البراند: Urban DucksThe Coconut Bomb Natural Body Lotion by Urban Ducks works as a sunblock as it protects from sun damage and it smells like you're in coconut heaven.It helps with:– Enhances the quality of your skin– Helps reduce wrinkles– Moisturizes your skin– Reduces aging spots-...
- LE 170.00
- LE 170.00
- Unit price
- per
البراند: Jovialityرطبي جسمك وامنحيه لمعة وردية مع لوشن الجسم تروبيكال جلو باللون الوردي من جوفياليتي، وهو لوشن ملمع للجسم طبيعي ١٠٠٪ يمنح بشرتك لمعة برونزية مائلة للوردي ويتميز بتركيبة طبيعية غنية بفيتامين ﻫ وخفيفة الملمس سهلة الامتصاص وتعطيك تأثير شمسي رائع على البحر أو في...
- LE 187.00
LE 220.00- LE 187.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 33.00 -
البراند: LunaThe Luna Shower Gel with Shea Butter moisturizes your skin leaving it soft with a silky touch. A scented formula that provides the care your skin needs, with plenty of foam for a pleasant refreshing feeling. For daily use. Size: 500ml Ingredients: Aqua, Methyl isothiazolinone, Sodium Lauryl Ether Sulphate,...
- LE 55.00
- LE 55.00
- Unit price
- per
البراند: Jovialityلوشن فانيلا دريم للجسم من جوفياليتي هو لوشن طبيعي للجسم خفيف وكريمي سريع الامتصاص وغني بزبدة الشيا و فيتامين هـ لتغذية وترطيب البشرة. غني بمزيج طبيعي من الفانيليا ورائحة البرتقال سوف يترك بشرتك ناعمة وعطرة برائحة الفانيليا. خالي من البارابين ونباتي. استعمالاته: ترطيب البشرة، علاج...
- LE 221.00
LE 260.00- LE 221.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 39.00 -
البراند: Hathor Organicsرطبي جسمك واستمتعي بمزيج روائج الفانيلا وجوز الهند المنعشة مع
- LE 204.00
LE 240.00- LE 204.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 36.00 -
البراند: Norshekمزيل عرق طبيعي بملمس عجيني برائحة الليمون من نورشك يحمي جسمك من رائحة العرق لمدة تتراوح من ٤ -٦ ساعات. مصنوع يدويا بتركبية لطيفة على البشرة ويحتوي على مواد مضادة للبكتريا والفطريات. غني بالزيوت الطبيعية مثل زيت شجرة الشاي وزيت الخروع. طريقة الاستخدام: ضعي...
- LE 190.00
- LE 190.00
- Unit price
- per
البراند: Hathor Organicsمقشر الجسم ذاريفايفر من حتحور هو مقشر مرطب غني بالسكر البني والزنجبيل وشجرة الأوكالبتوس المنعشة، يعمل على تنظيف الجلد بشكل مكثف بتركيبته المغذية ويعطي بشرتك إحساسا بالإنتعاس والنعومة والدفء الذي يقلل التعب على الفور . طريقة الاستخدام: وزعي السكراب على الجسم المبلل ودلكي في...
- LE 276.25
LE 325.00- LE 276.25
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 48.75 -
البراند: BLESSزيت فيتامين E من بليس (حجم 50 مل) هو مستحضرشامل للعناية بالبشرة والشعر والأظافر. كيفية استخدامه: يمكن وضع زيتفيتامين E مباشرة على الشعر لعلاج تقصف أطراف الشعر أو على البشرة والشفاه والأظافر للاستمتاع ببشرة صحية ومشرقة. فوائده للشعر: يساعد وضع زيت فيتامين E مباشرة على...
- LE 400.00
- LE 400.00
- Unit price
- per
البراند: Areejكريم للجسم بالورد (٢٠٠ جم) من أريج أروماثيرابي مليء بالفيتامينات والمعادن والعناصر المغذية للبشرة. يساعد على ترطيب البشرة بعمق وتلطيف الجلد ويعزز توهج البشرة. رائحته الجذابة تساعد على تخفيف التوتر وتهدئة الجسم. المكونات: روز سنتيفوليا، ماء، جلسرين وزيت الجوجوبا. طريقة استخدامه: استخدميه يوميًا ودلكيه جيدًا....
- LE 191.25
LE 225.00- LE 191.25
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 33.75 -
البراند: Areejكريم للجسم باللافندر من أريج أروماثيرابي (٢٠٠ جم) يساعد على ترطيب الجلد وإعادة التوازن للبشرة وتجديد الخلايا مع تحسين المزاج وإعطائك تأثير مهدء للأعصاب. المكونات: زيت اللافندر، ماء، جلسرين، زيت الجوجوبا طريقة استخدامه: استخدمي كريم الجسم باللافندر من اريج مرة يوميًا ودلكيه جيدًا. لترطيب...
- LE 191.25
LE 225.00- LE 191.25
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 33.75 -
البراند: Areejمقشر النعناع (٢٠٠ جم) من أريج أروماثيرابي لجسمك يزيل الجلد الميت ويعزز الدورة الدموية ويعزز الدورة الدموية ويترك بشرتك ناعمة ومشرقة. زيت النعناع ينعش وينشط. المكونات: ملح البحر وزيت النعناع وزبدة الشيا وفيتامين ه ومزيج من الزيوت الحاملة. كيفية الاستخدام: دلكيه بلطف على البشرة...
- LE 212.50
LE 250.00- LE 212.50
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 37.50 -
البراند: LunaThe Luna Emollient Bundle is a complete care set featuring five specialized products designed to address dryness and nourish your skin from head to toe. Each product is formulated with hydrating and skin-rejuvenating ingredients, making it ideal for areas prone to dryness such as...
- LE 171.00
- LE 171.00
- Unit price
- per
البراند: LunaLuna Emollient Collagen & Vitamin E Daily Soft & Fairness Cream is a concentrated formula designed to deeply hydrate your skin, improve elasticity, and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Enriched with collagen and vitamin E, it nourishes the skin, leaving it...
- LE 66.00
- LE 66.00
- Unit price
- per
البراند: GlazedGlazed Body Care Gift Set is the perfect addition to your body care routine and makes the perfect holiday gift for your loved ones, available exclusively in a customized gift package on ZYNAH. The set contains 2 body care essentials: 1. Glazed Donut Shave...
- LE 680.00
- LE 680.00
- Unit price
- per
البراند: BubblzzDiscover the refreshing essence of fresh, juicy, ripe watermelon with Bubblzz Watermelon Soap Bar. Formulated with nourishing glycerin, coconut oil, and honey, this gentle soap is perfect for both hands and body. How to use: Use like any normal bar of soap. Simply rub...
- LE 81.00
LE 90.00- LE 81.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 9.00 -
البراند: BubblzzThe Rainbow Bath Fizzy Powder jar contains 700gm of Rainbow-scented fizzy powder, infused with Citric Acid and Epsom Salts. It's designed to help you relax your muscles and leave your skin with a delightful scent of Marshmallow, Vanilla, Caramel, and Jasmine, with a subtle...
- LE 144.00
LE 160.00- LE 144.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 16.00 -
البراند: InfinityInfinity Lascar Gel is a powerful blend of silicone and onion extract designed to accelerate skin healing, minimize the appearance of scars and wounds, and restore your skin's natural tone and texture. Key Benefits: Provides intense hydration to support skin repair. Improves skin tone...
- LE 405.00
LE 450.00- LE 405.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 45.00 -
البراند: InfinityAchieve brighter, more even-toned underarms while staying fresh and confident all day with the Infinity Deodorant Roll on - Fruity & Berry. This 2-piece set (80ml each) combines effective skincare benefits with 24-hour protection against body odor and sweat. Key Features: Brightens and evens underarm...
- LE 198.00
LE 220.00- LE 198.00
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 22.00 -
البراند: HEKAHeka LATTE Moisturizing Bar for Hand & Body blends the calming scents of milk, honey, and a hint of vanilla, evoking the cozy aroma of a morning latte. This nourishing bar creates a rich lather, offering a luxurious cleanse for both hands and body,...
- LE 108.30
LE 114.00- LE 108.30
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 5.70 -
البراند: BiothermBiotherm Whitening Deodorant Roll-On Cherry is a medical-grade deodorant that provides 24-hour odor protection with a dual-action cherry scent while helping to lighten sensitive areas. Specifically formulated for those with excessive sweating, strong odor concerns, or darkening in delicate areas. The Whitening Deodorant Roll-On...
- LE 160.55
LE 247.00- LE 160.55
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 86.45 -
البراند: Urban DucksUrban Ducks Coconut Bomb Body Butter is a luxurious treatment that enhances skin quality while providing deep hydration. It helps to smooth the appearance of wrinkles and diminishes the look of aging spots, leaving the skin feeling nourished and refreshed. Suitable for all skin...
- LE 200.00
- LE 200.00
- Unit price
- per
البراند: AvuvaAVUVA Hand & Body Cream is carefully formulated with a blend of special ingredients that help to replace the oils contained in the skin and to protect against the loss of moisture from the skin that happens naturally during the day. This natural, cruelty-free...
- LE 123.50
LE 130.00- LE 123.50
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 6.50 -
البراند: Eva CosmeticsThe Eva Sun and Sea Sunscreen Spf +50 is expertly formulated to actively protect your skin against harmful rays and prevent sunburn and premature skin aging. This water-resistant sunscreen provides broad spectrum protection, with very high levels against UVA and UVB rays, to effectively...
- LE 300.00
- LE 300.00
- Unit price
- per
البراند: BubblzzIntroducing Bubblzz Orchid Perfume - a luxurious concoction of delicate flowers and alluring notes that promises to captivate your senses with just one spritz. With top notes of Orchid, Ylang Ylang, Gardenia, and Jasmine, and a base of Cloves, Amber, and Patchouli, this intoxicating...
- LE 445.50
LE 495.00- LE 445.50
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 49.50 -
البراند: MerakiNaturally sooth eczema symptoms and give your skin the hydration it deserves with this soothing balm by Meraki. A blend of essential oils that help sooth itching and calm inflammation caused by eczema on the face and body. This is a topical treatment that...
- LE 305.00
- LE 305.00
- Unit price
- per
البراند: MerakiMoisturizing, hydrating and skin tightening as well as soothing sunburn. A guaranteed mix to soothe inflamed skin after sun exposure by Meraki. Can be used on a daily basis to hydrate, moisturize and unify skin color as well as tighten the skin. How to...
- LE 395.00
- LE 395.00
- Unit price
- per
البراند: MerakiHigh protection for first sun exposure or people with sensitive skin. Apply a thin layer every two to three hours. How to use it: Apply a thin layer every few hours. Ingredients: Beeswax, Zinc Oxide, Titanium Dioxide, Shea butter, Vitamin E oil, Prickly pear...
- LE 375.00
- LE 375.00
- Unit price
- per
البراند: MerakiThis Psoriasis calming and healing balm by Meraki will reduce the itchiness and dryness and provide instant relief. Psoriasis could be very uncomfortable to those who suffer from it. How to use it: Apply a thin layer several times a day on the affected...
- LE 305.00
- LE 305.00
- Unit price
- per
البراند: MerakiCalming the redness while moisturizing the skin with Meraki's Rosacea Soothing Balm for the face and body. Rosacea could be very uncomfortable to those who suffer from it. This healing balm will reduce the itchiness and dryness and provide instant relief. How to use...
- LE 305.00
- LE 305.00
- Unit price
- per
البراند: MerakiGet the perfect tan while hydrating and moisturizing your skin as well as protecting it from harmful UV rays. You'll also prevent it from peeling. Suitable for all skin types. Ingredients: Wheatgerm oil, Coconut oil, Carrot oil, Green tea oil, Calendula oil, Linseed oil,...
- LE 340.00
- LE 340.00
- Unit price
- per
البراند: MerakiSoothe the discomfort of varicose and spider veins with Meraki's restorative balm. This specialized formula helps alleviate pain while working to improve the appearance of veins. How to use it: Apply several times a day on the affected area. Ingredients: Lemongrass oil, clary sage...
- LE 305.00
- LE 305.00
- Unit price
- per
البراند: Avuvaافوفا لوشن للجسم واليدين يرطب البشرة بشكل فعال ويغذيها وينعمها. مصنوع بتركيبة تحتوي على زبدة الشيا، زبدة الكاكاو، وزيت الأفوكادو، ليستهدف البشرة الجافة ووالمتشققة، مما يجعلها أكثر صحة ونعومة ويحمي من فقدان ترطيب الجلد الذي يحدث بشكل طبيعي خلال النهار. تركيبته خفيفة وغير دهنية...
- LE 130.00
- LE 130.00
- Unit price
- per
البراند: Trace CosmeticsThe Liquid Gold Body Shimmer from Trace Cosmetics is a luxurious multi-purpose dry oil formulated to elevate your skincare and haircare routines with a radiant, golden glow. Enriched with the finest ingredients, including precious argan oil, coconut oil, and carrot seed oil, this oil...
- LE 280.80
LE 312.00- LE 280.80
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 31.20 -
البراند: FavelinA body lotion that takes you to another level of confidence and alluring by Favelin. With a blend of red plum and sweet freesia, with a touch of amber and vanilla. It provides ultimate hydration and a beautiful fragrance all at once. It deeply nourishes,...
- LE 332.50
LE 350.00- LE 332.50
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 17.50 -
البراند: FavelinLooking for a captivating scented body lotion? This blend by Favelin with Shea Butter + Vitamin E includes Amber, White Oud, Sugar, Tangelo, Sandalwood, Musk, and Starflower, that will transport you to the heart of nature's wilderness, where every inhale is an adventure waiting...
- LE 332.50
LE 350.00- LE 332.50
- Unit price
- per
Save LE 17.50