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    Anti Hair Loss Oil With Rosemary
    Rhea Beauty's Anti Hair Loss Oil With Rosemary is designed to improve scalp health, boost hair growth, and fill in balding areas. The product is free of harsh chemicals like paraben, sulphate, or mineral oil.  How to use:  Apply a...
    LE 484.00
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    جيفان مجموعة ميني للعناية بالشعر
    بوكس ساني تايم من جيفان يضم أربع عينات من منتجات جيفان للعناية بالشعر الآكثر مبيعا مناسب للسفر أو للتجرية وهي ليف ان بينكي ميلكي، ومزيل التشابك برائحة اللافندر، وماسك الشعر المغذي مارو ميلو، وقناع الشعر المرمم سويا ريتشي، وجميعها تركيبات...
    LE 312.00
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    Avrelle Shea Butter & Argan Oil Conditioner
     Avrelle's Conditioner with Shea Butter & Argan Oil is a light-weight, hydrating product that efficiently nourishes your hair strands. It penetrates to the roots to restore elasticity, leaving your hair with a healthy, soft and glowing look. This fast-absorbing formula...
    LE 280.00
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    Avrelle Vitamin E Hair Oil
     Reduce hair damage and breakage with Avrelle Treating and Strengthening Oil made of premium-grade vitamin E oil. Rich in antioxidants and essential oils, it can prevent premature graying, restore hair cuticles, improve split ends, and make strands stronger and more...
    LE 210.00
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    Bubblzz Kids Conditioner
     Bubblzz Kids Conditioner deeply hydrates and strengthens your child's locks while defending them from damage. Formulated with Sunflower Seed Oil, Coconut Oil, Wheat Protein, and Ginseng Extract, and without harsh additives, this conditioner ensures maximum protection and nourishment. The conditioner...
    LE 225.00
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    Treato Hair Protection Serum SPF 30
    Infinity Treato Hair Serum Protects your hair from UVB and UVA rays, chlorine, and saltwater. Its lightweight, oil-infused formula smoothes hair, boosts the shine and forms a barrier against multiple forms of damage keeping your hair healthy & hydrated in all...
    LE 230.00 LE 207.00
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    Avrelle Shampoo (Keratin & Collagen)
    Avrelle shampoo with Keratin and Collagen is a sulfate-free color-protecting shampoo that nourishes colored and treated locks, allowing hair color to shine with smooth, soft strands. This high-performance blend of keratin and collagen reinforces and repairs damaged hair while protecting...
    LE 310.00
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    Avrelle Olive & Rocca Oil Hair Mask
    Avrelle's Olive & Rocca Oil Hair Mask is a creamy and rich formula designed to strengthen and fortify weak and brittle hair, promoting density and volume. This hair mask combines the nourishing properties of olive oil and Rocca oil to...
    LE 380.00
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    Avrelle Anti Hair Loss Oil (Garlic, Castor, Cedarwood oils)
    Fill in the voids and prevent hair loss with Avrelle Anti-Hair Loss Oil made of organic garlic, castor, and cedarwood. It has antimicrobial properties that stimulate hair regeneration for a fuller scalp. It balances oil production in the scalp with its...
    LE 210.00
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    كريم ليف إن بزيت الثوم الأسود من بوبانا
    كريم ليف إن بزيت الثوم الأسود من بوبانا هو كريم غني يحتوي على زيت الثوم الأسود لتغذية الشعر الضعيف والسيطرة على التجعد وتقليل التقصف. يحمي مستخلص إكليل الجبل شعرك من التلف والتقصف وتساقط الشعر. النتيجة؟ خصلات أقوى وأكثر لمعانًا ونعومة...
    LE 125.00
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    جيفان شامبو بيرلي ميرلي خالي من السلفات
    شامبو جيفان بيرلي ميرلي اللطيف بدون سلفات صمم بتركيبة تحتوي على مواد كيميائية أقل قسوة ومستخلصات الأعشاب الطبيعية لتساعد على تنظيف وتنقية فروة الرأس وإزالة التراكمات والشوائب داخل البصيلات لتمهيد الطريق لنمو الشعر بشكل أكثر امتلاءً وسمكًا.  طريقة الاستخدام: ضعي...
    LE 220.00
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    جيفان بلسم للشعر بيرلي ميرلي سموث آند شاين
    بلسم الشعر بيرلي ميرلي سموث آند شاين من جيفان هو بلسم مصمم لإصلاح الشعر المجهد واستعادة الترطيب وإضافة اللمعان لأطراف الشعر المتقصف بفضل قوة مزيج الزيوت الثلاثية من الأفوكادو واللوز الحلو وزيت النخيل بالإضافة للعيد من المستخلصات الطبيعية الأخرى. طلايقة...
    LE 220.00
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    Eva Sun & Sea Hair Sun Protection Spray SPF 15
    Eva Sun & Sea Hair Sun Protection Spray SPF 15 is specially designed to protect hair from the damaging UVA and UVB rays that can cause dryness, split ends, breakage, protein loss, and pigment degradation. Infused with nourishing Coconut Oil, antioxidant Vitamin...
    LE 157.50
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    بلسم بوبانا بجوز الهند
    بلسم بوبانا بزيت جوز الهند مصنوع بتركيبة كريمية متطورة من بوبانا غنية بزيت جوز الهند تتغلغل بعمق في خصلات شعرك لتمده بترطيب مضاعف. البلسم يحتوي على سلفات منخفض، وخالي من البارابين والسيليكون. طريقة الاستخدام: عد غسل الشعر بشامبو بوبانا، ضعي البلسم على...
    LE 120.00
    زيت أرجان مضغوط على البارد (٣٠ مل)
    زيت أرجان حتحور مضغوط على البارد (٣٠ مل) يساعد على ترطيب البشرة وحمايتها من التلف نتيجة التعرض لأشعة الشمس. يعيد للشعر التالف حيويته ويعمل على تقويته وزيادة لمعانه. مفيد لتلطيف البشرة وتجديد خلاياهاوالشفاء السريع من الجروح والتخفيف من علامات التمدد والشيخوخة....
    LE 450.00 from LE 250.00
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    Infinity Treato Anti-Dandruff Shampoo 250ml
    Combat dandruff and keep your scalp healthy with Treato Anti-Dandruff Shampoo by Infinity. This Shampoo is designed with multifunctional ingredients that work to regulate malassezia yeast growth, a common cause of hair loss while keeping your scalp's microbiota in balance, promoting healthy and non-oily hair. ...
    LE 140.00
    زيت لوز حلو مضغوط على البارد (٣٠ مل)
    زيت لوز حلو من حتحور  مضغوط على البارد غني بفيتامين هـ والمواد المضادة للأكسدة، مفيد في علاج الهالات السوداء وانتفاخات العين. يرطب ويقوي الشعر ويعالج تشققات الشفايف.  يمكن خلط زيت اللوز الحلو مع:   زيت المورنغا وجوز الهند واللافندر للبشرة...
    from LE 320.00
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    Meraki Beard Balm
     The Meraki Beard Balm has been expertly formulated to tame, style, moisturize, and soothe your beard while nourishing the skin beneath. This powerful blend of oils is designed to provide nourishment, and hydration, and promote hair growth, all while effectively eliminating...
    LE 255.00
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    منشط تجعيد الشعر فريز أوف
    احصلي على أفضل لتحديد لشعرك الكيرلي مع منشط تجعيد الشعر فريز أوف من ذا هير اديكت، وهو عبارة عن كريم خفيف يساعد على تجعيد خصلات الشعر وإعطاء تحديد مثالي وحجم أكبر للشعر الكيرلي بدون هيشان مع توفير الترطيب الذي يحتاجه...
    LE 260.00
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    Joviality's Rose Shimmering Lotion & Curl Wonder Hair Gel Cream
    Shop two of Joviality's product bundled up together with a special offer:1. The Rose Shimmering Body Lotion: Works perfectly to moisturize your skin, and leaves it with a shimmering tropical glow. This 100% natural and paraben-free lotion absorbs quickly, feeling...
    LE 650.00 LE 585.00
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    Braes Intensive Leave-in Hair Thickening & Growth Spray
    This concentrated leave-in scalp treatment by Braes, is 100% natural and infused with botanical oils. Good for hair growth, thickness, healthy scalp and of course hair. It strengthens new and existing strands, stimulates hair follicles, improves blood circulation and promotes...
    LE 220.00
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    Eva Clinic Bebe Conditioner 200 ml
    Eva Clinic Bebe Conditioner is formulated with Complete Care Action (CCA) system to  protect your baby’s hair from root to tip and keep it hydrated, soft, and strong. Key Features: -Hydration: multifunctional conditiong formula that helps comb through wet hair with ease...
    LE 105.00
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    امبولات ألو إيفا لتقوية للشعر بالصبار وبروتينات الحرير
    تحتوي امبولات ألو إيفا لتقوية الشعر من إيفا كوزمتكس على مزيج محفز من الألوفيرا وبروتينات الحرير التي توفر علاجًا عميقًا ومكثفًا لتساقط الشعر. تحتوي هذه التركيبة القوية على ١٢ فيتامينًا و ٢٠ معدنًا و ١٧ بروتينًا، مما يوفر ترطيبًا مكثفًا...
    LE 105.00
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    Neuth Anti-Hair Loss Scalp-Balancing Targeted System Densifying Treatment
    The Anti-Hair Loss Scalp-Balancing Targeted System Densifying Treatment by Neuth France down-regulates 5 alpha reductase and reduces hair loss. It improves hair thickness and length restores scalp balance and strong hair anchoring. Dermatologically tested.Result: Within 120 days hair loss is...
    LE 1,250.00
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    Aloe Eva Strengthening Hair Oil with Argan 200ml (10% Discount)
    This Aloe Eva Hair Oil contains Argan Oil, an essential hair protein. Packed with antioxidants, vitamins E and F, this oil is perfect for nourishing hair. Its small Moroccan Argan Oil particles easily penetrate the hair cortex to repair, renew,...
    LE 85.00 LE 76.50
    Body Cravings Gift Box Set
    Looking to gift someone you love? Whether it's your friend, your partner, mother or a family member, Body Cravings have prepared 2 gift boxes for you: Gift Box 1: Includes 3 products; a body mist, hair mist and a lip...
    LE 585.00 from LE 571.00
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    Nankar Co-Wash 200ml
    The Nankar Co-Wash is a natural cleanser that will help you achieve dandruff-free, silky smooth & cleansed hair while protecting you from potential bugs and lice.  Key Ingredients: Reetha extract- Shikakai extract- Emulsifying wax- Peppermint essential oil- Tea tree essential oil-...
    LE 250.00
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    Nankar Leave-in Conditioner
    The Nankar Leave-in Conditioner is a nourishing conditioner that can be used to hydrate and soften your hair, making it much more manageable and eliminating frizz.  Key Ingredients: Olive leaf extract- Moringa extract- Nettle extract- Olive oil- Jojoba oil- Emulsifying wax-...
    LE 220.00
    بلسم تاتش أوف جولد خالي من السيلكون
    حافظي على نعومة شعرك ورائحته الجذابة مع بلسم تاتش أو جولد الطبيعي والخالٍ من السيليكون من ذا باث لاند The Bath Land. البلسم مصنوع من زيوت نقية وطبيعية لتنعيم شعرك ومنحه رائحة مميزة. كما أنه خالٍ من البارابين والسيليكون، مما...
    from LE 130.00
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    Rosemary & Argan Leave-in Conditioner
    Try the Rosemary & Argan Leave-in Conditioner by The Bath Land suitable for all hair types. For perfect hair, use very small amount of the product on your whole hair after shower, then comb through with your brush and don't...
    LE 170.00
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    Seropipe Hair Growth Accelerator Spray
    Seropipe Spray Accelerate hair growth cycle through reduce Hair Fall and accelerates its growth and Stimulate Early hair Anagen phase to decrease hair loss.The power of nourishment How to use it: 6 puffs daily on the scalp and gentle massage...
    LE 220.00
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    Hair Act Ampoules (Hair Loss Treatment)
    The Hair Act Ampoules by Dermanova are specifically designed to combat hair loss. They're infused with a blend of beneficial ingredients including Emu Oil, Saw Palmetto, Biotin, Marine Extracts, Rosemary Extract, Mink Oil, Wheat Germ Protein, Cedarwood, Coconut, Tea Tree...
    LE 648.00 LE 518.40
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    ORB Satin Pillowcase - Pink
    LE 130.00
    • Purple
    • Pink
    ORB Satin Pillowcase - Pink
    This pillowcase by ORB is made of Italian satin. It prevents hair damage and tangles while you sleep, keeps your skin smooth, and reduces exposure to hair and skin allergens.Provide your hair and skin with a suitable, hygienic pillowcase that...
    LE 130.00
    • Purple
    • Pink
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    CLARY Hair Water 200ml
    CLARY Hair Water provides a new premium treatment for your hair, specially designed for styling. In just 10 seconds, it gives your hair a smooth and shiny appearance. This innovative formula, containing natural keratin and vitamins, not only improves the...
    LE 300.00
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    ORB Hair Guard Oil
    ORB's Hair Guard oil is extracted from raw oils such as sesame oil and caffeine - it envelops and protects the hair from the heat of hair straighteners, hair drying, or the sun's heat. It also protects your hair from...
    LE 290.00
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    Meraki Sulphate, Silicone & Soap Free Shampoo
    This Meraki shampoo is soap-free, silicone-free, and sulphate-free, making it gentle and suitable for all hair types, including treated and dyed hair. Infused with nourishing oils, it effectively cleanses, moisturizes, hydrates, and fortifies hair, resulting in shiny, healthy strands and preventing hair loss....
    LE 245.00
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    بلامبي كيرلز شامبو منخفض السلفات
    يوفر شامبو بلامبي كيرلز منخفض السلفات تنظيفا عميقا لفروة الرأس بدون إيذاء للشعر بفضل تركيبته الغنية بزيت المكاداميا. يغذي الشعر ويعطي ترطيب عميق ولمعان بفضل المكونات المغذية التي يحتوي عليها. مناسب لجميع أنواع الشعر، بما في ذلك الشعر المعالج بالكيراتين....
    LE 205.00
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    فرشاة التحديد للشعر الكيرلي
    فرشاد التحديد ذا هير اديكت لتحديد وتصفيف الشعر الكيرلي والتحكم في الهيشان تعطي الشعر تموجات مثالية. مصنوعة من مصنوعة من تسعة صفوف قابلة للتعديل وبسنون سيلكون بحواف دائرية وقاعدة مطاطية مضادة لتكهرب الشعر لتحديد الشعر بدون هيشان. طريقة الاستخدام: ١-...
    LE 420.00
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    Nourish Conditioner Bar for Curly and Coily Hair
    Continue your hair routine with the Heka Nourish Conditioner Bar after using the Wash Shampoo Bar. Revive your curls with the Honey-Almond bar, providing deep hydration and a delightful scent. These bars are travel-friendly and waste free. Perfect for throwing...
    LE 310.00
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    ORB Sleek n' Fleek Styling Stick
    ORB's Sleek n' Fleek hair styling stick helps keep your hair in place throughout the day. It also provides deep nutrition and firm hold to wet hair to stand out and give a confident look, especially in open-air areas. 100%...
    LE 375.00 LE 357.00
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    Curlit Leave-in Conditioner for Wavy Hair
    Curlit's leave in conditioner for wavy hair (Wavy Whisperers Your Biggest Flex) stands out as the ultimate go-to product for styling and moisturizing your hair. This formula provides your waves with the perfect blend of hydration and nourishment, promoting a...
    LE 240.00
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    Braes Hair Growth Spray, Booty Oil & Lip Oil
    Mixing up 3 of Braes' most coveted products with a special offer: 1. Hair Thickening & Growth Spray: This concentrated leave-in scalp treatment by Braes, is 100% natural and infused with botanical oils. Good for hair growth, thickness, healthy scalp...
    LE 469.00 LE 445.00
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    معزز نمو جذور شعر الحواجب
    محفز نمو جذور شعر الحواجب من رو افريكان (١٥ مل) لتغذية البصيلات وتحفيز نمو شعر الحواجب في وقت قصير. بفضل تركيبته الطبيعية ١٠٠% بيعمل على انبات الفراغات والتغلب على الحواجب الخفيفة عن طريق تقوية كل شعرة وترطيبها. بيعمل مزيج الزيوت...
    LE 120.00 LE 108.00
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    Chaos Kids Curly Pre-Wash Natural Hair Mask
    Chaos Kids Curly natural hair mask for curly, tangled, and frizzy hair. Moisturizing and detangling cocoa butter and mango oil with strawberry to make it easy to brush your kid’s hair and define those locks. Reduce the time and effort...
    LE 240.00
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    Chaos Kids Blonde Pre-Wash Natural Hair Mask
    Chaos Kids Blonde natural hair mask for fine & fair hair. Our special blend of lemon, chamomile, honey work to nourish, strengthen, soothe and give blonde hair the extra shine it needs. Reduce the time and effort of combing and...
    LE 240.00
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    Meraki Sulphate & Silicone Free Conditioner
    The Meraki Sulphate and Silicone Free Conditioner is a nourishing blend of oils, coconut wax, and beeswax that strengthens and moisturizes hair. By creating a protective barrier, it rejuvenates hair and enhances natural curls. The lactic acid component detoxifies the...
    LE 255.00
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    100% Pure Watercress Oil
    Enhance the health of your skin, hair, and scalp with Infinity Naturals' 100% Pure Watercress Oil from Egypt. This unrefined oil is cold-pressed and scientifically proven to promote hair growth and length, while also soothing and boosting collagen for a...
    LE 225.00
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    Infinity Naturals 100% Pure Castor Oil
    Infinity Naturals 100% Pure Castor Oil, originating from India, aids in hair regrowth and promotes thicker eyebrows and eyelashes. Additionally, it moisturizes, softens, and soothes the skin while enhancing elasticity and stimulating collagen production. 100% pure, unrefined, and cold-pressed. 
    LE 125.00
    Plumpy Curls Set (Low Sulphate Shampoo + Deep Conditioning Hair Mask + Satin Bonnet)
    Try out these 3 Plumpy Curls products together with a special offer:1. Plumpy Curls Satin Bonnet: Your styling will remain flawless no matter the occasion. This sleek and smooth satin bonnet prevents frizziness and keeps your curls cared for and...
    LE 705.00 LE 621.00
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    Heka NOURISH Conditioner Bar for All Hair Types
    Continue your hair routine with the Heka Nourish Conditioner Bar after using the Wash Shampoo Bar for all hair types, infused with their musky signature scent with notes of fresh citrus, it will leave your hair feeling deeply hydrated and...
    LE 310.00
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